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Image by Samantha Gades, a clock is ticking- the time for change is now, lamp- a bright idea or new strategy to market, a green plant- refresh, revitalize your copy, a desk for creating written words that persuade and sell
CHANGE is inevitable.  

As YOUR Christian small business copywriter, I use authentic storytelling and positive psychology to transform your brand's voice with heartfelt messaging that resonates with your target audience.
Krista Tressa freelance copywriter bodypic_edited.png

I empower your business by creating messages

that are detail-oriented,

researched, and emotionally intelligent. 







I elevate your business profits and reputation, strategize and communicate using your brand voice, and connect with your audience so that your reach and Kingdom impact go further.

Looking for a Christian small business copywriter who cares about YOUR success? See My Work Samples.

Image by Kelly Sikkema

This could be you...sharing your testimonial about my work.

“I like the level of detail you used for my marketing project. Very professional and succinct.”

Carl Kepper, Hilton Grand Vacations VIP Sales Executive

Gain wisdom by listening in to some of my podcast interviews-
Learn more about me (your caring messenger 💜), marketing, leadership, and how to integrate your faith into your business. Click on the podcast images below ⬇️

Doubttofulloutpodcastepisode13Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 11.42.17 AM.png
Faith crusader podcast interview Krista Tressa and Rob Brown
The Mauri Rene Show with Krista Tressa and Mauri Rene
More coming soon...!

My smile is my logo, my personality is my business card, and the way I make others feel is my trademark.

Krista Tressa

Click the heart if you'd like me to guest on your podcast or speak at your event.
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